#23 ....prequel, sequel? = preview ha ha ha will be blocked!

see also previous (banned) posts on this blooooog ha ha 210716 (CS pic) extracted exclusively from "bookt007" ...." so... a taster, tester, teaser, without the "Strip",...of the prequel/sequel / episode 23..(chapter of "the Anti-ChriS in Monty - lamd)] unemployed title; "SECURITY is being ready for the NEXT thing" ... in MY life... It seemed to happen, THOUGH, when I "switched off" , either; I accumulated a hidden talent, skill., inspiration... or I was NOT READY.... .. the title came from DISCUSSION i had on a strassenbahn "party wagon" one xmas in Freiburg (circa late 90's) with marGIT Sterifender , a "mature"? *30 something student of the private english school there... (she is now on the run from "the law") as I was self-appointed "Social chairman " taking the more mature students out for REAL language experience ,,, (in such venues as the irish pub, where they were exposed to actual...