ChRiS alive .... are you ... it is a Question

..... AWARENESS?? Its sunday afternoon, sunny, warm, about 25c on my bicycle ,,, and its impossible for ME , to avoid reacting to the WORLD, you,,, the sheeple, manipulating Sharks & jackals.. . I keep making "witty"comments & articles , websites, blogs , emails,,BUT often feels like I am in some weird episode of the "twilight zone" the latest FUBAR non action (block) of MY "stuff"refers to https://chrislive which YOU SHOULD notice has been spaced because if it is in its Hyperlink status gets blocked by the USA corp trillionaire backed ; feck book, fen way, twatters & googlies ... (yes, silly, but necessary to disrupt their actual names of this will not even find its way on to the net! *content below scroll down below the double line ) WHY do I hate USAcorp ? AS a Strategic manager, during my professional experiences, I came up against the ways & MEANs of U...