ChRiS alive .... are you ... it is a Question
Its sunday afternoon, sunny, warm, about 25c on my bicycle ,,, and its impossible for ME , to avoid reacting to the WORLD, you,,, the sheeple, manipulating Sharks & jackals... I keep making "witty"comments & articles , websites, blogs , emails,,BUT often feels like I am in some weird episode of the "twilight zone"
the latest FUBAR non action (block) of MY "stuff"refers to https://chrislive which YOU SHOULD notice has been spaced because if it is in its Hyperlink status gets blocked by the USA corp trillionaire backed ; feck book, fen way, twatters & googlies ... (yes, silly, but necessary to disrupt their actual names of this will not even find its way on to the net! *content below scroll down below the double line )
WHY do I hate USAcorp?
AS a Strategic manager, during my professional experiences, I came up against the ways & MEANs of USA based corporations & their management.. The "bottom line" is that their form of capitalism teaches the individual to step on others to get to the top, or the aims they are given to achieve, ironic criticism of "socialism/communism" which, btw, has NEVER been properly applid, is that USA teaches blind obedience to the given target(s).. its EVIL... and TRULY soul - less.... the policies of USA corp selfishly ignore that an estimated TWENTY - FIVE THOUSAND KIDS die daily worldwide due to selfish USAcorp / govt policies.
Fen way is NOT OUR "LIVERPOOL way
in 2007 USAcorp infested LIVERPOOL FC via Gillet & Hicks, the Texan fraudsters that Moores allowed to steal OUR CLUB from OUR community. The "business"of Lfc.,, was "acquired" via a leveradged buy out , they didnt BUY it , they STOLE it. using the club itself to secure the debt which was they increased, supporters were then SPUN their PR_opaganda of Chelski chairman Broughton, told that J.w***ker henry & his N E S V group of USA, had "saved " our club!!
... wrong! WE had been working on a joint venture between "SAVE Liverpool fc"group & "Spirit of Shanks"& which THEN was a strong group (it since became a weaker force") and OUR own initiative, even before OR after an ädministration order" the local & Global SUPPORTERS WERE AND are the true saviours and success has been built , since the days of Shanks in 1959 on our loyalty, wit, songs, banners, personal promotion & INVESTMENT!J w H is chief shark..
N E S V changed its name to fen way and since they have, among other things; gained a 2billionUSD asset! they also
* intimidated supporters
* ignored Hillsborough memorial
* sacked Kenny, *as G & H removed Rafa Benitez
(fen way only removed idiot Hodgson when 10,000 fans boycotted Anfield)
* Priced core working class support out of Anfield
* tried to furlough staff during "epidemic"
* SOLD our best players, did not spend their cash!
and more will be exposed in time, as fen way back a move to take over football in the UK via the "e.p.hell" with a plan called "'BIG picture" together with the sharks at manu!
MORE from our SUPPORT & associated links
I am biased, but you may find this article interesting ,,, from USA alternative media "counter punch"
"U.S. national security services have also established a global educational network to train pro-capitalist combatants—sometimes under the leadership of experienced Nazis and fascists—in the tried-and-true techniques of repression, torture and destabilization, as well as propaganda and psychological warfare. The famous School of the Americas was established in 1946 with the explicit goal of training a new generation of anti-communist warriors worldwide. According to some, this school has the distinction of having educated the greatest number of dictators in world history. Whatever the case may be, it is part of a much larger institutional network. It is worth mentioning, for example, the educational contributions of the Public Safety Program: “For about twenty-five years,” writes former CIA officer John Stockwell, “the CIA, […] trained and organized police and paramilitary officers from around the world in techniques of population control, repression, and torture. Schools were set up in the United States, Panama, and Asia, from which tens of thousands graduated. In some cases, former Nazi officers from Hitler’s Third Reich were used as instructors.”
Fascism Goes Global under Liberal Cover
The American imperium has thus played a central role in the construction of a fascist international by protecting right-wing militants and enlisting them in the Third World War against ‘communism,’ an elastic label extended to any political orientation that entered into conflict with the interests of the capitalist ruling class. This international expansion of fascist modes of governance has led to a proliferation of concentration camps, terrorist and torture campaigns, dirty wars, dictatorial regimes, vigilante groups and organized crime networks around the world. The examples could be enumerated ad nauseum, but I will curtail them in the interests of space and simply invoke the testimony of Victor Marchetti, who was a senior CIA official from 1955 to 1969: “We were supporting every half-assed dictator, military junta, oligarchy that existed in the Third World, as long as they promised to somehow maintain the status quo, which would of course be beneficial to U.S. geopolitical interests, military interests, big business interests, and other special interests.”
The record of U.S. foreign policy since WWII is probably the best measure of its unique contribution to the internationalization of fascism. Under the banner of democracy and freedom, the United States has, according to William Blum:
+ Endeavored to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments.
+ Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.
+ Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.
+ Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.
+ Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.
The Association for Responsible Dissent, composed of 14 former CIA officers, calculated that their agency was responsible for killing a minimum of 6 million people in 3,000 major operations and 10,000 minor operations between 1947 and 1987. These are direct murders, so the numbers do not account for premature deaths under the fascist-backed capitalist world system due to mass incarceration, torture, malnutrition, lack of drinkable water, exploitation, oppression, social degradation, ecological illness or curable disease (in 2017, according to the U.N., 6.3 million children and young adolescents died from avoidable causes linked to the socio-economic and ecological inequalities of the Capitalocene, which amounts to one child dying every 5 seconds).
To establish itself as the global military hegemon and international guard dog of capitalism, the U.S. government and National Security State have relied on the help of the significant number of Nazis and fascists it integrated into its global network of repression, including the 1,600 Nazis brought into the U.S. through Operation Paperclip, the 4,000 or so integrated into the Gehlen organization, the tens or even hundreds of thousands that were reintegrated into the ‘postwar’—or rather transwar—regimes in fascist countries, the large number who were given free passage to Empire’s backyard—Latin America—and elsewhere, as well as the thousands or tens of thousands integrated into NATO’s secret stay-behind armies. This global network of seasoned anti-communist assassins has also been used to train armies of terrorists around the world to participate in dirty wars, coups d’état, destabilization efforts, sabotage, and terror campaigns.
All of this has been done under the cover of a liberal democracy, and with the assistance of its powerful culture industries. The true legacy of WWII, far from being that of a liberal world order that had defeated fascism, is that of a veritable fascist international developed under liberal cover in order to try and destroy those who had actually fought and won the war against fascism: the communists."
Gabriel Rockhill is a Franco-American philosopher, cultural critic and activist. He the founding Director of the Critical Theory Workshop and Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University. His books include Counter-History of the Present: Untimely Interrogations into Globalization, Technology, Democracy (2017), Interventions in Contemporary Thought: History, Politics, Aesthetics (2016), Radical History & the Politics of Art (2014) and Logique de l’histoire (2010).
__________________________________________________________ blocked*
"ChRiS live CAMPAIGN V game of THORNS
MASK_er_AID blockEDit"
GAME of THORNS" - final solution chapter 3 of the
#MASK_er_AID" taking over the e.p.hell
the business machine which we call "USA corp" has damaged humanity with their WAR-Biz & polluted OUR air, water, land, food & minds of children,
started its move on our beautiful game 30 years ago, when they started to infest our beautiful game via the e.p.hell when english football sold its soul.
they started to lose their computer & car/care market, whilst weapon sales & "big pharma" (legalised drugs/medicine ) increased, football gave them another entry into almost every family on the planet. Manu got infected about about 20 years ago, and in 2007 Moores was conned by G & H into a fake sale,
then usurped by Henry/NESV (now fen way) & their billionaire backers... the latest "big picture" is the final solution in their "GAME of THORNS"
as the USAcorp sharks try to sink their financial teeth deeper into footy, we are blocked because we oppose their money mad plans..
simple ideas ; which modern fan nies would not like but relates to Shanks LIVERPOOL way, NOT fen way ..
*re structure the original football league
scrap the e.p. hell
* a new management structure voted for by ALL the pro clubs
scrap the current FA/Football league committee
*install own media shared with & profit all clubs & make all supporters shareholders
quit SLYtv etc
WARNING USA corp sharks are in your water
links ....
the echo bloody read
the Anfield crap ;
Day Tripping
Best wishes from Med1ATEAM & friends of
#planetCRIEDwolf #MASK_er_AID #TrendyVirus #gameofthorns #LbiRDco-op
,..... :) with best wishes and from MEd1ATEAM & TRUE REd friends worldwide @

ReplyDeleteupdate of ChRiSlive CAMPAIGN .. approaching mid way through the 5 year plan..
part b ot C4 linked to
( 201108#Lbirdco-op_@blueMancsPLUS- )
see ChRiS ; Strategy for Lost planet! ;
& banned ;
with HOPE, Y N W A ! Get your body Fit & feed your soul, EVOLVE & climb out of their swamp, FIGHT their virus, their Rules & FIGHT to party 😉 with GOOD wishes to all TRUE REBEL REdS! ; & friends who wish to join REd EVOLUTION
estimated 300+ groups worlwide, link more than 3 million!...
#LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
... SUPPORTing OUR TEAM SUNday at Blue mancs ;
ReplyDelete5 years ago NOTE FIVE YEARS see 4th paragraph, below..???
Christopher Richard Smith
todays Poem...
just before I go to sleep.
its difficult not to weep
of the good people that have gone
left behind those who seem like moron (s)
there s donald , (the duck sounds more intelligent)
trying to be next president
but when u look at their population
its clear hes not the only (trump-chump)
europa is not much better
they bomb more kids in Syria
in revenge ...
when its all over the world will look like "stonehenge"
sometimes the scientists warn about this or that
some virus, some risk or look for life on another planet
seems when I look at the 7 billion
on this planet , I havent found that!
but keep your humour , if there is anyone there?
my ideas I would like to share
but considering the C 1 a will track you or spread more scare
I wonder if you really dare?
Chr15 151210