#ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN ; Dreams, disasters & BEFORE the REd Dawn... (continued book2 ; prequel PREVIEW ; @ : "The Anti-ChRiS in Monty - land.."

episode / chapter 20 @ #ChRiSliceCampaign (and on audio?) previous; chrislivecampaign./2021/05/the-antichris-in-monty-land-book-2- THE dream, the disaster before ...the Dawn is REd! I wrote this on mewe ... in response to a "how are you/" message from a new contact... Hello I was hoping for a less "traditional" opening... as your profile is interesting... i am currently at :"paradise" coastal resort of Montenegro, ,,there is a sort of karmic irony , it seems that beautiful places are occupied with rich , or want to be rich ugly people, and the most beautiful people (character/mentality) i have net grew up in the hardest often ugly places ,... the last 18 months almost killed off my main energy outlets ...football (playing & training, managing or watching,...and hosting ..social contact with visitors from the world ..dancing , exchanging ideas and such/// what effect has the last 18 months had on your life? best wishes ChRiS The Dream,last night ...