episode / chapter 20 @ #ChRiSliceCampaign (and on audio?)
previous; chrislivecampaign./2021/05/the-antichris-in-monty-land-book-2-

THE dream, the disaster before ...the Dawn is REd!
I wrote this on mewe ... in response to a "how are you/" message from a new contact...
Hello I was hoping for a less "traditional" opening... as your profile is interesting... i am currently at :"paradise" coastal resort of Montenegro, ,,there is a sort of karmic irony , it seems that beautiful places are occupied with rich , or want to be rich ugly people, and the most beautiful people (character/mentality) i have net grew up in the hardest often ugly places ,... the last 18 months almost killed off my main energy outlets ...football (playing & training, managing or watching,...and hosting ..social contact with visitors from the world ..dancing , exchanging ideas and such/// what effect has the last 18 months had on your life? best wishes ChRiS
The Dream,last night (210628/29) was vivid , more "real than real" ..I was working in old shipping world, that employed me as a young man...
a female client was shouting on our office , fussed about her container, where it was, and she wanted to go to it..
... a weak manager placating her... I took over, told her our service too care , of everything.. and she argued,,like an arrogant b...
I tell her to "Feck off@ ... and then send an email apology with invite to dinner

the Disaster ..before the (REd) Dawn..
the exploited c19 high risk to 0.01% ,,,karma consequences..
the AFMbug ("Alien MozFly) wipes out 99.99% too small to stop can fly through a keyhole
wipres out almost all V I Ps ministers, "leaders" ..
All the Trumps, Blowjo, Gates & Henry - Werner all gone..
some trid to stay in "sealed" homes, but suffocated because all engineering/technical computing got wiped too.
basics survived .. USAcorp its WAR business, its sterile labs, C1A, NSA ..all gone ...
no natural immunity , all the vaxed inhabitants were too weak to resist..
no more sheeple ..bye bye..!
The basic internet survives (Free access) ...and now its a test to see if humanity has indeed learnt "the lesson of GO(o)D"
previous at
episode 19 (chapter)
.... c17/18 ( SEE INTERVIEW BY h-t AT harveysclog.blog) are exclusive to slected contacts,,, CONTINUED at unsubtolosi-rednet.blog
_____________________and from your MASK_er_aided mainSCREAMedia
& their #game of THORNS;
Naomi LaChance: These actions are some of the most visible recent initiatives of the BDS movement. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: Lost in Biden's triangle. |
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Anthony DiMaggio: American politics in the post-Trump era. |
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TJ Coles: How the free encyclopedia feeds the national security state. |
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Paul Street: Chomsky on fascism. |
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Eve Ottenberg: Still bombing after the troops are gone. |
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Vijay Prashad: The civil war in Afghanistan will also threaten China and Pakistan. |
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READ IT NOW: Take the Fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions
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Our media partner Labour Outlook is delighted to announce (download here) the publication of a first special printed update to coincide with the important protests taking place against the Tories. Exclusive contributions include: - Richard Burgon on winning the case for socialist solutions to the crisis
- Jeremy Corbyn on the need for global vaccine justice
- Bell Ribeiro-Addy on why we must stand firm against Tory racism
- Holly Turner from NHS Workers Say No
- Rachel Garnham from the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy
- Plus updates on Cuba, Palestine, Bolivia, the Stop the War Coalition, Women Will Not Be Silenced & more.
.....Paulo Guajajara -- a brave earth defender murdered by illegal
loggers in the Amazon. With another killing every two days, it’s an
Indigenous emergency! But we can help. Avaaz is at the centre of talks
to secure global protections for Indigenous peoples and their ancestral
forests, grasslands and rivers that support life on Earth. Indigenous
leaders are asking for our support -- sign now, share, and let’s
deliver a deafening roar into the heart of the talks: Dear friends, You
may never have heard his name, but Paulo Guajajara was fighting for all
of us when illegal loggers ambushed and murdered him, then cut down the
trees on his ancestral land.Paulo isn't alone: every two days, another
brave earth defender is murdered. It’s an Indigenous emergency! Now
Indigenous and local community leaders are calling on Avaaz to help win
crucial protections for their lands that could be a giant step towards
protecting all life on Earth.Governments are negotiating a
groundbreaking deal to save biodiversity and if we put enough pressure
it could give full land rights to these courageous communities. It would
give powerful protections against loggers, miners, and poachers -- but
greedy corporations and ruthless governments are going all out to keep
them out of the deal.
Dear friends,
You may never have heard his name, but Paulo Guajajara was fighting for
all of us when illegal loggers ambushed and murdered him, then cut down
the trees on his ancestral land.
Paulo isn't alone: every two days, another brave earth defender is
murdered. It’s an Indigenous emergency!
Thomas Kilkauer & Catherine Link: Long before Karl Marx and Jenet Yellen, some might have suspected that there are three elements that define the core of capitalism. |
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Joseph Grosso: Conservatives in New York. |
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John Kendell Hawkins: China has an opium problem — again. And an American family is to blame. |
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Raouf Halaby: Inside CBS's Selma. |
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David Rosen: Biden and Putin. |
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Paul Street: The imperial smackdown of Rep. Ilhan Omar |
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Kenneth Surin: Bojo does G7. |
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Nick Pemberton: Defunding alone won't fix the problem. |
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Richard C. Gross: The American experiment with fascism. |
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Ralph Nader: The people must collar the congress. |
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Naomi LaChance: These actions are some of the most visible recent initiatives of the BDS movement. |
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Carmen Rodríguez: In El Salvador, reports of dead bodies abandoned on side of the road or in poorly traveled areas are commonplace. |
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Richard D. Wolff: The neoliberals are running out of gas. |
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Patrick Cockburn: Like Trump, Netanyahu dominates the right, but he also divides it. |
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Dave Lindorff: Biden wants more nukes, we must say no. |
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Eduardo Gudynas: The socio-environmental crisis is getting worse in Latin America. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: The False Summit. |
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Timothy Messer-Krause: The new McCarthyism. |
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Eve Ottenberg: The U.S. slaughters the First Amendment. |
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Paul Street: Their time is up. |
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Zarefah Baroud: Hey PETA, Israel's animal rights records is anything but praiseworthy. |
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Ellen Glover: 50 years later, the War on Drugs still isn't working. |
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María Páez Victor: Has the US blocked vaccines to Venezuela? |
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by Scott Parkin
This week, TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) announced that they were finally terminating the Keystone XL Pipeline (KXL) project after over a decade of resistance from the Alberta tar sands to Wall Street to the White House to the Gulf Coast.
It stirs a lot of feelings and memories for me. I’ve devoted myself to climate direct action for over two decades. Half of it, I spent fighting the Keystone XL pipeline. Through my KXL journey, I was arrested sitting-in the White House, recruited tens of thousands to pledge to take action, trained thousands in direct action to disrupt Obama’s approval of the pipeline (hell, I even trained the trainers), supported the environmentalists and landowners that disrupted the construction of the southern leg of the pipeline in Texas (which got built anyway) and generally made elite politicos and Wall Street bankers miserable over it. In 2013, I discovered that TransCanada had compiled a file on me and my friends and traveled to law enforcement along the pipeline route with a PowerPoint telling them that we were terrorists. We also declared victory on KXL more than once.
by Paul Street
One of the more nauseating things I’ve long heard from white guys of a certain stupid, faux-Marxist, fascism-appeasing, red-brown, and Trumpenleft bent[1] is that racism, nativism, and sexism are just “scams” used by the ruling class to divide the noble proletariat and divert its attention away from the working-class solidarity required to fight capitalism. To focus any serious energy on opposing these “scams,” this noxious Archie Bunker Marxism claims, is to fall into the trap of bourgeois identity politics.
by Ed Rampell
As Estonia prepares to mark the 30th anniversary of regaining its independence from Soviet rule Martti Helde’s In the Crosswind (Risttuules) is blowing onto U.S. screens to remind viewers of an especially egregious crime against humanity: The 80th anniversary of Joseph Stalin’s purported Baltic purge. Shortly after Crosswind’s rapturous opening depicting Erna and her husband Heldur enjoying an Estonian idyll at their countryside home, 40,000 people are deported from the Baltic Republics as part of Stalin’s alleged plot for ethnically cleansing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as titles in English inform us.
T.J. Coles: A history of what the spy agency thought of progressive groups in the Jewish state. |
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Aaron William Moore & Ran Zwigenberg: On Malcolm Gladwell's "Bomber Mafia". |
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Evan Jones: Battle of the psyche. |
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David Rosen: Should Amazon be a public utility? |
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Anna Buss: The truth about Brazil's imminent water crisis. |
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Dean Baker: Predictions of an economic disaster. |
coca cola gate ; ha ha ha ... how sponsors rule (RUIN) your world...
| Original Message -------- Subject: Re: FU_HT210605 SK Criminal Policeman & ancillary lawyers in MNE Date: 2021-06-16 23:30 From: Harvey Tuttle <harvey.tuttledg@gmail.com> To: "F&U" <fumission@ursun.net>, Sanida Kojić <sanidakojicadv@gmail.com>, Publishing <publishing@echr.coe.int>, Hrwnyc <hrwnyc@hrw.org> Cc: Cam-pain <campaign@ursun.net>
what is clear, the "change of mind" by Mrs Kojic, when she decided on the 10th May , NOT to complain to Pg police on behalf of CRS/F&U mission.. that she is either; a) Intimidated by the :regime: or b) intimidated by Recevic Mafia or is complicit in these violations...
whichever of the above is chosen by the international court, there is no reason to assume any innocence on her or her husband's part... and therefore we release the claim; via 5000 + individual contacts, 25,000 + companies on linked in and over 300 social media groups worldwide
if the local ~powers that be@ will not support our man, or our NGO, we will ensure the name on MNE STINKS and that potential visitors steer well clear of this polluted & corrupt society
HT... security / legal consultant to F & U NGO
On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 7:29 AM Harvey Tuttle <harvey.tuttledg@gmail.com> wrote:
for the attention of Mrs S. Kojic
it is YOU, Mrs Kojic, who needs to be informed!
from F&Umission NGO; formed in mY 2000 AS E.P.O.C amongst other aims to explore, expose and pursue justice on behalf of our members worldwide, our Chief co-ordinator "C.R.S" is a highly experienced and Global (strategic) Manager. the youngest ever fellow of the Institute of Directors, since 1995 has devoted himself to charitable & youth initiatives and voluntarily given considerable time, energy & resources to your people, without a modicum of reciprocation. (we understand that also included financial assistance to your brother) also made 54 previous HR complaints at the ECHR!
we note your recenbt response to our proposal (*DC) it really does not intrest us what your legal colleagues may be doing!
1. you MUST be well aware that CRS came to you because ;
a) you were involved when Mr. Predrag IVANOVIC of Danilovgrad commited fraud and LOCKED OUT "C.R.S" of his home. b) and if you refer to your own dossier, or the notes a young lady named : Samra: took of a meeting in 2018 with then ALEKSA RECEVIC who attempted to force an eviction, as IVANOVIC had falsely spread lies & rumour against "C.R.S" ! c) we understand that "C.R.S" mentioned to your husband, acting as translator at the meeting Rusa Radulovica 97b, Podgorica, that considering the points a) & b) logic applied was obviously to use your previous knowledge, and we are sure that "C.R.S" would not have invited you for that meeting had you not been previously involved. d) and OBVIOUSLY "C.R.S" entrusted you with temporary STORAGE of his briefcase , which he told you contained personal items, including the death certificate of his wife! Did you state that there was a FEE liable to be paid for that act????? which "C.R.S" obviously proposed at the 4th of May meeting, with the (unfortunately predicted) risk that RECEVIC, a POLICEMAN would repeat the IVANOVIC violations! (and worse)
2. are you disputing that RECEVIC locked out "C.R.S" on 7th May, after stating that his property could be removed ny 8th May????7
3. are you disputing that only RECEVIC had access to the house from 7th May, or why RECEVIC restricted "C.R.S" to 5 minutes access, on the 8th May?
4. There are not only items damaged but MISSING, its REASONABLE to propose CRIMINAL intent by RECEVIC, for whatever reason.
5. It is NOT reasonable, to inform (homeless) "C.R.S" that YOU would complain at the Podgorica police stations on 9th may, and then deny your legal representation of "C.R.S" at a later date, (please send us the appropriate regulation that you claim prevents you from reporting RECEVIC or the violations against "C.R.S"
6. MNE is a member of the Council of Europe, we are CERTAIN that the Strasbourg committee & ministers would be concerned! (if your courts do not consider RECEVIC actions criminal or attempted crime, at a period of virtual state of emergency & "pandemic restrictions)
7. apart the moral issue of a POLICEMAN, who threatened "C.R.S" whilst in uniform and whilst RECEVIC was carrying a GUN! (this is NOT a CRIMINAL action in MNE???)
8. you have NOT compied with the instructions of "C.R.S" at the meeting with you & your husband; - you did NOT deliver the letter. (you handed him a copy to deliver AFTER he was already LOCKED OUT!!) null & void! - you have not made any claim against ALEKSA RECEVIC, ("C.R.S" had to leave your city on the 8th to find accomodation.) (in full knowledge that reporting REcEVIC to his colleagues is "equal to reporting Hitler to the gestapo")
On a genral note, knowing how dependent MNE is on foreign aid & tourism, and with a pending EU membership application, do you or your compatriots wish this matter to be social media fodder, as your tone suggests your sympathy lays with RECEVIC? Albeit that english is NOT your native tongue. Our members also have mainstream contacts!
"C.R.S" is missing many items, not least his passport, and the attached list identified as NGO items, are also missing, as far as is known to us or "C.R.S".
Therefore, if you are unwilling to forward the claim to RECEVIC (which is without any other demand on your time) would you prefer to repay "C.R.S" the 200 Euros CASH handed to you ?
for F&Umission NGO HT_FU210605SK
p.s It is unlikely that "C.R.S" could trust any other MNE citizen or lawyer, considering the numerous violations experienced. (on record)
p.p.s. we suggest you decease from promoting Mr. N.Ljumovic, who, since December 2020 received over 1500 financial euros support, weekly free lunches, strategic advice, without positive result, and whom was also "ABSENT" when "C.R.S" required assistance on 7th may and has since failed to reply to questions about personal property of "C.R.S" ! |
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