
ChRiSlive DEC isiv EMBER Diary 'insurgency is inevitable; is VITAL for YOUR LIFE

 221201  ChRiSlive DEC isiv EMBER Diary ' insurgency is inevitable;  is VITAL for YOUR LIFE _______________________________________ _______ feed your spirit * arise but first CATCH UP with links; * /10/ protons -v-neu-tral-rons-november-22. *  From Global Strategy Manager to coastal cleaner & back ha ha ha *  chriscoop redgemet .blog2022/11 /new-liverpool - co-op community . *  Cessation Sensation as HN quits MNE *   Gladiator too ; only for TRUE REbEL REdS _____________________________________________ Dec 1 @Chris today would be birthday of ChRiS's wife  Jacqui (greaves) SMITH who died in 2005, simply the best woman i ever knew! ? @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL & Celts #ReclaimingScotland WE fight against all violations journal .   feed your REdspirit; co-operative Humanity, but first catch up with links via chrislivecampaign.blogspot....

ChRiSlive NOW

REdGEM net-alien ./2022/08/no-secret-agent- but-always-agent-with ...... hiy ALL !  I am NO "secret agent" (spy)  but i am "AGENT with secrets"  ("they" do not like) so before "they" assassinate me.. ChRiSlive chrislive-now .html & https:// rednet-alien -with.html DANGER ; their virus is ME d1A POX ... its more danger to Humanity ..than all the marketed "coroNATION variants" ... and even BLOCKEd (by their #gameofTHORNS goons ... lunched or launched for "Freedom e Union NGO"     @ https:// ChRiS_Strategy_Justice_ALL_FU ngo ... ChRiSlive calendar/diary Rose was put off going to ROSE (Lucista's St Tropez according to Monty-marketing) by my Rakija-mood last night..? August 1 , reminds me of Linda (then Peacock-Brown) my brothers sister-in-law who turned him against me & cost me 8 companies (my "2nd...

ChRiS in Exile ; Hunting for REd (October) Unsubmarine ; CgamePlaNOW activate!

 see previous (REdGEMnet) at 211005 I created the UNsub net after the meningitis inducced COMA woke me up and  i started a series of campaign & community initiatives , Local & Global //... ... ."activate Cgame>PLANow" during one of my campaigns , after a series of arrested by the Nazi goons of  "modern gerMONEY" i agreed to a "truce" , to suspend my action.. in the hope of resume some :fanily life: with my son Leon , who had been stolen from my life at his age of 3 ...he was around 6 when I agreed to also suspend complaints against german judges, police, attorneys & "beamte" etc ...and re-start with my GF... There was a hearing ...and it was difficult NOT to stand up and insult the stupid female judge... who accused me of being "subversive"  AS ALL MY ACTIONS WERE PUBLIC .. which led me.. after my GF betrayed me anyway, and the little girl (Noela) also w...

#23 ....prequel, sequel? = preview ha ha ha will be blocked!

  see also previous (banned) posts on this blooooog ha ha 210716 (CS pic) extracted exclusively from "bookt007" ...." so... a taster, tester, teaser, without the "Strip",...of the prequel/sequel  /  episode 23..(chapter of "the Anti-ChriS in Monty - lamd)] unemployed title;  "SECURITY is being ready for the NEXT thing" ... in MY life... It seemed to happen, THOUGH, when I "switched off" , either; I accumulated a hidden talent, skill., inspiration... or I was NOT READY.... .. the title came from  DISCUSSION i had on a strassenbahn "party wagon" one xmas in Freiburg (circa late 90's) with marGIT Sterifender , a "mature"? *30 something student of the private english school there... (she is now on the run from "the law") as I was self-appointed "Social chairman " taking the more mature students out for REAL language experience ,,, (in such venues as the irish pub, where they were exposed to actual...

#ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN ; Dreams, disasters & BEFORE the REd Dawn... (continued book2 ; prequel PREVIEW ; @ : "The Anti-ChRiS in Monty - land.."

 episode / chapter 20 @ #ChRiSliceCampaign (and on audio?) previous; chrislivecampaign./2021/05/the-antichris-in-monty-land-book-2-   THE dream, the disaster before ...the Dawn is REd! I wrote this on mewe ... in response to a "how are you/" message from a new contact... Hello I was hoping for a less "traditional" opening... as your profile is interesting... i am currently at :"paradise"  coastal resort of Montenegro, ,,there is a sort of karmic irony , it seems that beautiful places are occupied with rich , or want to be rich ugly people, and the most beautiful people (character/mentality) i have net grew up in the hardest often ugly places ,... the last 18 months almost killed off my main energy outlets (playing & training, managing or watching,...and hosting contact with visitors from the world ..dancing , exchanging ideas and such///  what effect  has the last 18 months had on your life? best wishes  ChRiS The Dream,last night ...